It's pretty short, and pretty buggy; I am open to feedback and encourage it (can't learn and grow without criticism after all). Biggest thing is you start on the "How TO Play" page,,, in order to play click home and then play!!

Office Job takes this idea and give you two tasks to pick between --- one good one, and one bad one. Depending on your choice you will either gain or lose money, or friendship.

Do you have what it takes to not become corrupt? Or is it inevitable that everyone will eventually!!

Game Jam submission for GMTK 2022

I took the theme more abstract this year and admittedly went astray; however I had fun and learned a lot and that's what's important. When I think of "roll of the dice" I think of how there's a chance that either good or bad can happen in life, with this, different tasks come forward and we choose the path we go on,,,, all with a random chance. 

All programming, art, and music done by TechyEarth (me)


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I really liked the concept and calling Bob's hat stupid felt oddly satisfying. To fix your UI problem, you would need to set the Canvas to scale with screen size.

At least I think that's your problem but if not then idk what to tell you lmao. Great job though!!!

For some reason, clicking a button that says "Steal" and completing meaningless tasks just to be a jerk is more fun than it should be. Good work.

Unfortunately, the game doesn't run properly for me in Firefox or Chrome. It probably suffers from resolution settings or something like this. The game screen doesn't fit into my monitor screen

I should have fixed the resolution settings; it just has to be played in fullscreen